Published inTinkerShareBehaviour architecture — making behaviour design tangibleThink of a desired behaviour like you’re trying to get from one point in a room to the other, but it’s laden with stairs and slopes and…Aug 12, 2022Aug 12, 2022
Published inTinkerShareThe fallacy of personas.“Don’t count on there being the brain region, the neurotransmitter, the gene, the cultural influence, the single anything that explains a…Aug 12, 2022Aug 12, 2022
Published inTinkerShareDeliberative strategy or creative intuition?Very often, we see these as binary options. Should I rely on a more strategic approach here or should I trust my intuition? My gut feel…Aug 12, 2022Aug 12, 2022
Published inTinkerShareDesign for the exception. For exceptional design.A person with myopic vision, whose spectacles just got crushed, will be a lot more sensitive to the overextended nosing on a stair tread.Apr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
Published inTinkerShareThe art of balancing beliefs in behaviour design.When you extract a set of beliefs (the subliminal, neuronal codes that drive a certain behaviour in a certain context/environment) from…Mar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
Published inTinkerShareWhen attempting to change behaviour: Motivation is temporary. Ability is permanent.Why behaviour change interventions relying on increasing the motivation of the user will not sustain the behaviour.May 8, 2020May 8, 2020